First Trimester: How to Eat More Veggies (When You Really Don't Want To)

Lindsay Watkins, RD, IBCLC

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We all know a healthy diet includes an abundance of fruits and vegetables. However, vegetables are a common food aversion among women in the first trimester. It can be especially hard if you were a veggie lover before pregnancy, and now can’t even stand to look at them! It’s hard knowing you should be eating them for the nutrients, but the thought makes your stomach turn.

Here are some ways to include vegetables in your diet that isn’t just a salad or plain vegetable.

Muffins, Breads or Pancakes

Try shredded zucchini, carrot, or pureed pumpkin in this type of recipe. It can add a little dose of nutrients as well as moisture.

Egg Scramble

Try mushrooms, spinach, peppers, onions, sweet potatoes or whatever sounds tolerable! Add some shredded cheese to help disguise the flavor.


Discerning pregnancy taste buds might be able to notice veggies in a smoothie, so start with a small amount. Spinach and frozen cauliflower are good places to start.


Cooked vegetables might be better tolerated. Almost all soups have vegetables in them, but try adding a handful of any type of leafy green near the end of cooking.


Try blending extra cooked veggies into your favorite jarred pasta sauce.

If you can’t tolerate veggies in any form, it is okay! Give yourself some grace and don’t force it. Focus on fruit if you can, they contain many of the same micronutrients. Do your best to take your prenatal vitamin each day. Once your nausea has subsided, incorporate more vegetables as you’re able!